CousinFizz's INFO Page >>The latest info on video gaming secrets! |
This site will concentrate on the "Knife Method". I will
get into some (modchip) issuses but for the most part this is for the gamer that doesn't want to modchip their system for one reason or another! CousinFizz's Video Gaming Website! |
Use This! | **PS2 Knife Swap Trick Guide** I'm just helping the forum and those that don't want to have to go all over the web trying to find this info..... The "DVD region-X Disc" "Knife Trick".) YOU HAVE TO PREPARE YOUR PS2 FIRST, READ ALL INFO BELOW!! >>More DVD region-X Disc concerns on the next page........ Play DVDr backups! With and without a mod-chip.....(next page!) Thanks<<<<<<<>>>>>>> >>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!! soakingwetcat Newbie Knife Trick - How not to break those tabs... For all those who are going to be preforming surgery on their ps2 to perform the 'ole knife trick (as posted on cousin fizz's page) - there is an easy way to remove the face plate without breaking the tabs. When you open the CD tray (at least for my v1 ps2), there is a small screw which basically holds in a rod that ejects the tray. Remove the screw and you will have clean access to one of the tabs. Use a toothpick, small screwdriver - hell anything and pop out the tab on that side. The other side will come out pretty easy once you have that side out. I did this putting no pressure whatsover on the tabs - not even coming close to bending them. Pretty easy - btw, an entire knife swap job including making the tool takes about 15 min and is easy. For the knife, print out a copy of the knife on cousin fizz's page so it's the exact size of a credit card. Remeber those AOL disks? They've been coming in DVD cases lately. Those cases are made of just the sort of plastic you need! Take your printout, trace it on the case, and cut it with a pair of sissors and you got the perfect knife to do the job - made of plastic too not harm your pin inside! SoakingWetCat This is the original "Knife Trick" method for the PS2 w/GS2 and AR2... >Remember the name of the game here is to take your time. You don't need to hurry at all. Slowww down and look at the machine while it works, watch how it ejects the discs this will help you alot, believe me it did me. It came to me once I watched the machine work. You gotta get that tray door off first so take your time and read below a few times then after the door is off watch the eject mechanism a couple of times.....sloooooow down, take your time. :-) This in no way alters the inside of your system and does NOT void your warranty, therefore it is safer. You won't run the risk of ruining your system either...and belive me alot of systems have bit the dust because of messin' with the mod chip. But some haven't had any problems at all it's just, "What do you want to do?" To each his own... This is what can happen if you mod-chip!! The "DVD region-X Disk" boots all CDrom based backups.(Some DVDrip backups work with this disc but not all, up to 630.5mb...) The "GameShark-2" (GS2) And "Action Replay2" (AR2) will boot CD-rom based backups, and (some) DVDrip based backups but not all... HOW TO PREPARE YOUR PS2 FOR THE SWAP 1. Power on your PS2. 2. Press the eject button. 3. Power off your PS2 (with the tray open). 4. Remove all leads...Power cords from wall! 5. Turn the PS2 upside down so you are looking at the underside of the drive tray. 6. Examine the very front of the drive tray face, with the PS2 logo on it. (It is just a "clip on" dust cover). 7. Locate the two small plasic clips/lips that hold the face in position. ((( On either SIDE of the Tray!))) 8. Very carefully remove the drive tray face. (Do not force it too much or one of the clips will snap off.) Facing the tray they are on each SIDE of the tray. (the clips) They are small square objects that DO NOT REMOVE! The tray face slips out from the inside of them, VERY CAREFUL, PLEASE!! 9. Now put your PS2 back on it's right side up. Power it on and then close the drive tray. NO-MOD SWAP INSTRUCTIONS: Power up! Eject and tray opens, put GS2(GameShark-2, USA system) -or- AR2 (Action Replay2-pal-euro system)in the tray, then.......Let it load and chose "select game" then chose "without codes". Hit the X button and it will say, Click X, ((WAIT)) you must swap here first!! 1. Using a (flashlight) look underneath the drive tray, just off center to the right. The small white plastic pin is the drive locking/moving pin. 2. Using your new home made swap tool (Others have it, I made mine), locate the locking pin and VERY carefully and SLOWLY push it across to the right. OR if you have it standing up, push it up! (The drive tray will pop out slightly when the pin is in the correct position). Pull it out by hand slowly. 3. Remove the swap tool and pull out the drive tray. (Dont be heavy handed with it, be carefull your ps2 cost alot of money.) 4. You would now swap your "GS2" or "AR2" or "DVD region X Disc" for your backup disc. (Look below for an UpDate on the "DVD region-X Disc"!) 5. Now push the drive tray back into place. (Dont be heavy handed with it). 6. Now take your swap tool and locate the locking pin. (Remember its now over to the right side.)(Or up above towards the top of the PS2 if standing up.) 7. After locating the locking pin VERY carefully and SLOWLY pull it back into place. (Back to the Left... the total movement of the pin is approx 1 inch.) OR if the system is standing up, pull it down and hear the pin lock in. (Click!) 8. With the locking pin back into its correct position. (You should hear a noise as the disc gets locked down.) Now remove the swap tool as you have just completed a disk swap without your ps2 knowing it! Hit the X key. (When loading the GameShark2 use "without codes" and hit X key... (You can use codes once you are use to it.))))))))) After a while you will be able to do the swap without looking. Please be carefull at first until you know exactly what you are doing. I have been using the swap tool and haven't had any problems whatsoever. (I myself have a GS2 ver 1.9 and it works well! Me,CousinFizz that is.) Please do not shout/flame/email me with complaints if you damage your ps2 following the above guide. >>>>>>>>>NOTICE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NOTICE>>>>>>>>>>> From a game player who wrote,,, ((GameShark2 version 1.6)) >I am sure you have quite a few people asking you questions about the knife trick so I will tell you what I found out. With my version 1.6, you have to press R1 and O instead of X. If they are pressed at the same time it will work. If they are not pressed at the same time, it will take you to the main menu, but then you go to start game and then with or without codes and do it again. It is very easy to press them at the same time. Just thought I would pass on some of the knowledge I received since you have given me, and many others, a very good step by step guide of the knife trick. BOOT WITH DVD region-X Disc...................... Load the PS2 with the region-X disc. Let it boot up until you get to the numbered screen. (1 thru 6 on the screen.) Now do the "knife trick" when you have replaced the backup for the DVD region-X disc all you have to do is hit the START key and the backup will boot-up! Very easy and faster than the GS2 and AR2 discs. I use this the most... ((((( IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS THEN PLEASE DON'T DO IT!! )))))) >>Please disreguard this if you choose not to do this. You are doing this at your own risk. It does get easy as you do it over and over but the risk is at the first, if you break the clips or are to forceful in moving the pin it is not my reponsibility. The name of the game here is moving very slowly. I've been doing it for FIVE months now with no problems. Take care and be very careful.... If you need more help feel free to tag me back. A << hint >> That will help up front. Use a flashlight and look under the tray once you have the tray cover off, look there where you can see the pin and close the tray and watch the whole device move. You'll see how it functions and will be able to figure it out easier rather than just trying to wing it... Take your time that's important... In the future if the pin breaks don't worry! You can just close it, it will work. Or go into the machine and replace the hard palstic pin or use a small screw that reaches over to the in drive tray. (Where the pin rides in.) (But remember this voids your warranty.) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Include this on how to boot (PSX) backups on non modded ps2's Booting the game: 1 - Boot up your PS2 with the GameShark 2/Action Replay 2 PSX Bonus CD (CD#2)Disc #2. 3 - Go to start game. Pick with or without codes. 4 - Now swap the GameShark 2/Action Replay 2 (PSX) bonus CD (2nd disc) with the game CD using the Knife/Pin or Cog swap. 5 - Hit X to load the game. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How to load the drivers for DVD region-X and other concerns........... >>Ok this was a problem for me also BUT it all worked out in the end because it is very simple believe it or not. Here's what you do, continue to bother them, (Video Junkies) by calling NOT writting. In the mean time go back to their website and get the driver codes! They will be there under your serial number, disc number. Write or print them out. Now for the good part. >Load the disk in your PS2 and shut the power completely OFF. Then bring it back up and let it load. Now click the SELECT button and it will take you to the menu where you enter the new drivers. This is tricky to do,,, You have to use the digital pad to input the code along with the "o" key. Pressing "up" on the digital pad and "o" at the same time put in the codes! This takes alot of practice but you can do it. Heck I did it and I'm, well we won't go into that Anyway put them in and this is the even BETTER part, you only put them in ONCE! Even though if you go back into that menu again and it's blank you do NOT have to put them in again. Don't do it your PS2 has saved them. So if you can go into your memory card at the begining and clear out any saved info on the DVD region-X Disc do it and start fresh. This will save your drivers to your card and each time your PS2 will pick it up when you use your system. (Now if there is still a problem then you have a bad Disc... I hope you don't!. But at least you will know for sure...) Take care all and here's to happy gaming! CFizz PS. Here's one more important thing before I go..... >>The reason to upgrade divers is so that it works. (DVD region-X Disc.) Some have wondered why it didn't work and all they had to do was upgrade... I've also enclosed (attached) a template of the tool (for knife trick) here if you care to check it out. (It's on the photo page here.) Just remember this was cut out of an old (credit card) and therefore is the (same size) as that. I say that in case the pic is bigger or smaller in your browser. ******* =>This page was put together by alot of differrent ppl's input. Space Monkeys, Bboy555, the ISO on CDrom-Guide which would be Sgt-Dan and others from e-mails I've recieved and myself (CFizz) with the rewrite so you could understand it better. (I added alot of info and more "detail" since it was outdated and very hard to read.)... Thanks to all out there and if I've left anyone else out let me know... Take care and enjoy your gaming! CFizz HAVE A GREAT ONE!! |
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Updated 11/01/02 |